Summer Series: Marks of Maturity

This past spring, our church completed its first sermon series by going through the book of Ephesians. Many scholars view Ephesians as the foundational document of the church, a type of New Testament “constitution”, making it a timely and helpful guide for our newly formed community.

As we transition into the summer months, when many of our people are temporarily scattered from the body, we wanted to preach a series that focused less on the life of the community and more on individual maturity - with the hope that the more mature each disciple becomes, the healthier the entire church becomes.

While there are dozens of biblical marks of Christian maturity, these 9 were specifically curated for our community, aided by inventories used in other Acts 29 and Soma churches (specifically Bob Thune and company at Coram Deo Church in Omaha, Nebraska). This hybrid collection has resulted in a 9-week sermon series that we hope acts as an index of sorts for our members to measure their proficiency and commitment to Union Church’s core values of Gospel, Family and Mission. We hope that a deeper dive into these 9 characteristics over the summer will increase our commitment to following Jesus and a healthier church to serve Auburn.

Week 1 - Self Awareness

Week 2 - First-Hand Knowledge of Jesus

Week 3 - Fruit of the Spirit

Week 4 - Gospel Fluency

Week 5 - Deep Friendships Inside and Outside the Church

Week 6 - Faithful Presence

Week 7 - Servant Posture

Week 8 - Generosity

Week 9 - Courage

Sermons will be posted weekly at